A new webinar series offered through the Kelley School of Business Graduate Certificate in Medical Management program will give healthcare professionals insight and business knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tag: healthcare
Eli Lilly CEO to lead healthcare-focused conversation on inclusive leadership
David A. Ricks, chairman and CEO of Eli Lilly and Company, will lead a virtual discussion focused on creating an inclusive workplace during an October 9th presentation.
Emergency medicine physician expands leadership and entrepreneurship after earning an MBA
Family medicine physician finds wider perspective and reignites passion for medicine in new role
Business skills help healthcare professionals navigate during COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States in early March, healthcare professionals were faced with a barrage of patients and change—a virus they’d never treated before and new information coming at them every day.
Occupational therapist uses Graduate Certificate in Medical Management to navigate COVID-19 crisis
When Shelly Ford enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Medical Management at the Kelley School of Business, she couldn’t have predicted a pandemic would change the world a few months later.
Personal trainer gains greater depth of knowledge with Graduate Certificate in Medical Management
Sometimes health is like a puzzle. Scott Williams, MBA’20, is a personal trainer and a health educator for WebMD Health Services. He likens his work to fitting all the right pieces of a person’s life together to create a healthy lifestyle.
Physician MBA grad named to 2020 Poets & Quants Best and Brightest Executive MBA list
Cardiologist improves diagnostic testing and earns new role after MBA
Emergency medicine chief uses MBA to navigate leadership, conflict and forecasting the future after COVID-19
In emergency medicine, it’s just a calm before the latest storm.