By: Brianna Heron, BS’21

The past four years of being a DeltaSig for the Kappa Sigma Chapter at IUPUI is an experience I wouldn’t trade for the world.
From gaining leadership experience, attending professional and community service opportunities, to being part of a lifelong brotherhood, the professional business fraternity Delta Sigma Pi has played a crucial part in making my undergraduate Kelley School experience at IUPUI a memorable one.
While there are countless reasons why I love being a Brother of Delta Sigma Pi, below are a few of my top reasons.
Building a Network
In DSP, we are a tight-knit family. By joining DSP, you have an instant family that you wouldn’t have otherwise. You can connect with other students who are like-minded and have experienced the same things as you. From seeing Brothers in your classes, hanging around in the Orange Space on campus, to attending our social and community service events, we are always together. When I joined only a few short years ago, I did not expect to build such close lifelong friendships. What is amazing about DSP is that you don’t stop being a Brother after graduation. Once you graduate, you are still welcome to come to any events the chapter is hosting and continue to reap the numerous benefits of being a Brother.
Professional Development
Since we are a co-ed business professional fraternity, one of our core elements is professional development. DSP provides its members with numerous opportunities to grow professionally such as panels, workshops, as well as the chance to join our leadership team. By joining our leadership team, it allows those members to learn important skills like time management, team dynamics, and much more. While the leadership strives to drive the growth of the chapter, they also strive to lookout for their fellow Brothers and provide engaging opportunities that are interesting and beneficial to them.
Community Service and Fundraising Events
While we do harp on our professional development events, we also like to give back to the community by volunteering at organizations like Ronald McDonald House, Gleaners Food Bank, and more. This is a great way for us to get involved in the community and directly impact those around us. In addition to these community service events, we also host fundraising events to help our organization continue to grow and develop in new ways.
As you can see, these are just a few of my favorite reasons of why I joined DSP and why it is such a wonderful organization to grow with and be a part of. I have met my best friends through this organization and joining DSP has completely altered my college experience, for the better.
I could continue to go on and tell you more about how much this organization has given me, but why don’t you just see for yourself? Email to learn more information!
If you want to see some of our Brothers in action, be sure to check out our Instagram handle at dsp_kappasigma and our website, to learn more! We hope to meet you soon!
Learn more about all Kelley Indianapolis and IUPUI student organizations by heading to The Spot.
Great article Bri!!!! Delta Sigma Pi is a great organization. Congratulations and keep up the good work!