Tag: physician mba
Radiologist becomes positive change leader using skills gained in MBA
Emergency medicine physician shapes department using tools from physician-only MBA program
Surgeon strengthens leadership skills and medical instruction through MBA
Trauma surgeon Brian Brewer, MD, MBA’19, wanted to gain a greater understanding of business in order to lead in hospital administration.
Physician MBA empowers pediatrician to lead change
Networking is a common practice in business — perhaps as ubiquitous as spreadsheets — but it’s less frequently used to advance within the medical community.
CMO advances to payer side of healthcare after earning Kelley Physician MBA
The sum of our careers can be imagined as several moments that shape our professional trajectory.
Physician uses MBA to widen impact on healthcare beyond the patients she treats
How do you move from being a regular, working physician to a leader who drives change?
More than a degree: How the Kelley Physician MBA inspires physician business leaders
“As physicians, we don’t learn anything about the business of medicine in medical school. If you follow the news and what’s happening in the medical field, you realize that, without business knowledge, you cannot get by.”
Learning the language of a CMO
Rocky Singh, MD, MBA’15, had experienced a number of leadership and administrative roles throughout his medical career, but eventually he discovered a language gap.
Three physician MBA alums earn C-Suite positions within the same hospital network shortly after graduation
Most graduates achieve their goals. Three alums—from the same graduating class—recently did just that. With a twist: They earned executive positions within the
same healthcare system.