Tag: physician leader
Ophthalmologist applies MBA to link academic, clinical and industry knowledge to bring new therapies to market
Emergency medicine chief uses MBA to navigate leadership, conflict and forecasting the future after COVID-19
In emergency medicine, it’s just a calm before the latest storm.
CEO uses MBA lessons as hospital admits one of the first COVID cases in Indiana
Emergency medicine physician uses skills from MBA to introduce telemedicine prior to pandemic
Physician MBA helps pass legislation to improve maternal and fetal mortality in Indiana
Physician MBA empowers pediatrician to lead change
Networking is a common practice in business — perhaps as ubiquitous as spreadsheets — but it’s less frequently used to advance within the medical community.
Pediatrician uses Kelley Physician MBA to earn executive position and improve system processes
Pediatrician Autumn Orser, MD, MBA’19, was participating in a CMS initiative in Colorado when she realized she wanted to pursue an MBA.
Physician MBA alum opens urgent care center to improve access to healthcare on Chicago’s south side
Reuben Rutland, MD, MBA’16, is a trauma surgeon who thought his career path would eventually lead him to administration.
Going abroad to better understand healthcare at home
“Sometimes just by visiting a country and learning about its healthcare system and the successful solutions in that system, our physicians can generalize opportunities for their own healthcare systems back home.”