The world of medicine is largely reliant on how well healthcare functions as a system.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
The world of medicine is largely reliant on how well healthcare functions as a system.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
Earning an MBA was something he’d always wanted to do. Jim Grant, MD, MBA’15, had been a practicing anesthesiologist for over twenty years when he decided to pursue the degree.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
As president of the adult academic health center (AHC) at Indiana University Health, Ryan Nagy, MD, MBA’15, is responsible for determining the strategic vision and priorities for IU Health Methodist and University hospitals.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
Internationally recognized physician researcher Brian Primack, MD, PhD, will break down media influences on youth and adult health outcomes on October 12 at IUPUI.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
Dr. Primack is a pioneer in the study of media, technology, and healthcare, and his work has substantially influenced international dialogue and policy.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
Rocky Singh, MD, MBA’15, had experienced a number of leadership and administrative roles throughout his medical career, but eventually he discovered a language gap.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
For the fifth consecutive year, a 2018 Gallup poll shows that Americans worry more about healthcare than any other issue. That’s why the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University has been training physicians nationwide to assume leadership roles, so they can address healthcare availability and affordability.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
A Kelley School of Business Physician MBA graduate and Indianapolis urologist is improving patient wait time at the Indianapolis VA urology clinic.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
Congratulations to Funke Agbasi, MD, MBA’18 and Holly Robinson, MD, MBA’18, both named to the
Poets & Quants Best and Brightest Executive MBA listing for 2018.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
Kelley School of Business Dean Idalene “Idie” Kesner and Associate Dean Philip T. Powell have named Kyle J. Anderson faculty chair of the top-ranked Evening MBA Program.