Like many accounting graduates, Shelby Pake, BS’19, MSA’21, is preparing to take the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam. But she’s doing so while earning a Master of Science in Accounting (MSA) degree at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business on the IUPUI campus. “When I started my undergraduate degree, I knew I wanted to…… Read more »
Kelley Women
Family medicine physician finds wider perspective and reignites passion for medicine in new role
Occupational therapist uses Graduate Certificate in Medical Management to navigate COVID-19 crisis
When Shelly Ford enrolled in the Graduate Certificate in Medical Management at the Kelley School of Business, she couldn’t have predicted a pandemic would change the world a few months later.
Kelley undergrad hopes to be an agent for change both at IUPUI and in future career
“Systemic racism is a big, giant issue, and as a resident assistant, I can focus on my campus first: What can I do within my own community to help people learn about this issue? Collectively, we can all make an impact.”
Grow through what you go through: Kelley accounting grad shows epitome of determination
Emergency medicine physician uses skills from MBA to introduce telemedicine prior to pandemic
Student perspective: Why I got involved on campus
Kelley IUPUI professor named to Alliance of Distinguished and Titled Professors
Physician MBA empowers pediatrician to lead change
Networking is a common practice in business — perhaps as ubiquitous as spreadsheets — but it’s less frequently used to advance within the medical community.
Resilience & grit: Charlotte Westerhaus-Renfrow lives the principles of her work
It’s because of resilient and gritty parents, and teachers and role models who cared about me, believed in me and wanted me to succeed. That’s why I do all I can to give my students what I was given: someone who cares about them and their success.