There are so many great Kelley Evening MBA alums. Today, I want to share the story of Mike Sale and his avocation, Brew Bracket.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
There are so many great Kelley Evening MBA alums. Today, I want to share the story of Mike Sale and his avocation, Brew Bracket.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
We are screaming! We are tweeting! We are watching … soccer???? Yes, the FIFA World Cup has captured America’s attention as the USA has emerged from the most difficult group in the first round to proceed to the “knockout” round.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
Indianapolis is home to many great things; the Colts, Pacers, Monuments and various other attractions. But did you know that we are also home to the largest Children’s Museum in the world?
Posted by Teresa Mackin
Momentum, what a great sounding word. It sounds a lot like its definition: “force or speed of movement; impetus, as of a physical object or course of events: The car gained momentum going downhill. Her career lost momentum after two unsuccessful films.”
Posted by Teresa Mackin
After three amazing days of China, we are finally getting settled in! The weather, slightly musty, is great – not too hot, not too cold! Hengrui, the Chinese generic drug manufacturer that we are consulting with in Lianyungang, has been a great host!
Posted by Teresa Mackin
As of June 2014, I can officially say I’m a Kelley graduate! I’m really excited to start the next journey of my life. I have been looking forward to starting my first career and I could not be more pleased to have the Kelley name to back me up.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
For most of us, the journey began on Friday morning (Indiana time), and ended on Sunday Morning (China time). There were a few bumps along the way, but we all made it in one piece and with most of our belongings – I left my newly purchased iPod on the third flight of our trip.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
Phil Cochran, executive associate dean for the Kelley School of Business Indianapolis, has announced this year’s recipients of three long-standing faculty fellowships.
Posted by Teresa Mackin
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” ― Benjamin Franklin
Posted by Teresa Mackin
After chatting with many customers shopping for backpacks in Nordstrom in a high-end fashion mall, one thing stood out over everything else in my research findings: When asked what price range the customers had in mind upon coming into the store, about 38% of respondents admitted to having no price limitations for this product.