By: Lynnette Sauer
As a former steering committee member, I am very excited to share that $10,000 in Regatta Scholarships will be given for the 2015-2016 academic year!
In my three years of involvement, I had the chance to see the event grow each year: in popularity among students, in the number of participants, in the amount of sponsorship moneys contributed. We saw the event go from new and in the red, to something that is now a well-established tradition and financially sustainable as well. In 2015, the first set of Regatta Scholarships ($10,000 in total awards) will be distributed to academically strong campus leaders.
So: fellow Kelley students who will be returning next year (as an undergraduate, graduate, or professional student) — you should consider applying!
Ten $1000 scholarships will be awarded. Qualifications include a minimum 3.0 GPA, leadership experience in campus organizations, and demonstrated financial need. The deadline (March 10) isn’t far off: to apply, visit the Student Self Service Tab on Onestart and select IU Foundation Scholarships under the financial section.
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