In the days leading up to the IUPUI Top 100 Outstanding Students Recognition Dinner, we will be featuring our Kelley students who have been named a Top 100 for 2017.
What has been your favorite experience so far at Kelley?
Internships! Kelley motivated me to pursue internship experiences from the beginning, and I will have successfully completed four internships upon graduation. Through these opportunities, I have widened my experience, explored potential career options and learned to apply course material. Most importantly, I’ve learned about myself in the process and I have a better idea of what I’m looking for after graduation.
What has been your favorite class and why?
I loved Professor Wright’s Honors Commercial Law course. Professor Wright isn’t just an excellent lecturer; she genuinely fosters student success both in and out of the classroom. She has gracefully demonstrated what it means to be a woman in business and her experience adds incredible value to the course. The material is applicable to any field but the course really challenged me to think critically about real-world, business decisions. I would highly recommend it!
If you had to pick one professor that has impacted you the most while at Kelley, who would it be?
Professor Wright has definitely had the greatest impact on me at Kelley – for the reasons listed above and more! She takes a genuine interest in student success, and she has continued to encourage students through extracurricular activities. I so appreciate her dedication to students and drive to teach!
Where do you see yourself after you graduate?
After I graduate, I see myself achieving three key goals: Getting a dog, growing as a professional, and continuing my education with an MBA (in that order). A dog definitely comes first – I’ve missed being away from animals at home! Professionally, I want to be in a role that challenges me. I don’t know what career God will put me in, but I enjoy tackling problems and I hope to be in position that forces me to continue to develop. After a few years, I want to be back for my master’s degree.
Favorite activity/extracurricular activity that you have been involved in while at Kelley?
My favorite extracurricular has been a bible study with other Kelley students. Every week, we get together to study God’s word, encourage each other and support one another in prayer. That accountability challenged me to pursue a deeper walk with God, and I’m incredibly grateful for the gift of those relationships. It’s beyond encouraging to walk through undergrad with a community of believers by your side.
What is your Kelley moment?
My Kelley moment arrived last fall during the General Motors Supply Chain Case Competition. I was on a team with three other Kelley students, and we prepared and presented a business case for GM executives in Detroit, Michigan. This opportunity showed the applied value of my education. We faced opposing supply chain programs and the Kelley standard was distinctly evident within our team. Kelley prepares you with real-world business analytics tools and the skills to effectively present your work. This experience reminded me of the reasons I chose Kelley and reaffirmed my decision.
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