In the weeks leading up to the IUPUI Top 100 Outstanding Students Recognition Dinner, we will be featuring our Kelley students who have been named a Top 100 for 2016.
What has been your favorite experience so far at Kelley?
My favorite experience has been studying abroad during both my freshman and sophomore year spring break. To have been given the opportunity to study two different cultures in two different years has been extremely rewarding.
What has been your favorite class and why?
My favorite class has been A204, Honors Financial Accounting, because I absolutely loved the professor and felt that he laid a solid accounting foundation for me.
If you had to pick one professor that has impacted you the most while at Kelley, who would it be?
That would be Greg Martin, who taught my A204 class. Every time he came into class, he was always excited about teaching accounting which in turn made the rest of the students excited to learn.
Where do you see yourself after you graduate?
I have happily accepted a full-time offer with Ernst and Young to start in July 2017 where I will then begin preparation for the CPA exam.
Favorite activity/extracurricular activity that you have been involved in while at Kelley?
My favorite extracurricular activity has been Jagathon. Jagathon is IUPUI’s Dance Marathon where IUPUI students raise money for Riley Children’s Hospital. When I was a child, I had a couple procedures done at Riley and now I am able to give back to the hospital that has done so much for me and my family.
What is your Kelley moment?
My Kelley moment was receiving my internship with Ernst & Young. I would have not have received that internship if it wasn’t for Kelley Careers. I first applied for the Emerging Leaders Program through Kelley Careers. The Emerging Leaders Program is a two-day program where we learned more about the accounting firm and the services that they offer. At the end of the experience, you chose whether you were interested in a winter or summer internship. From there, they offered me an interview where I then received the internship and full-time offer.
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