By: Katelyn Storms Rizer
15 Essential Life Hacks Every Kelley Student Should Know
Welcome to the new semester, Kelley students! Life hacks are here to make your life easier.
- Give it Your All from the Get-go College usually gets harder as you go. Keep your GPA high while you’re taking the basic classes. This will also help you qualify for more scholarships at the start and will help to balance lower grades. Moral of the story: don’t take easier courses for granted!
- Set Goals You won’t get anywhere in life without having goals. Sit down each semester and map out somethings you want to accomplish.
- Read the Syllabus… Seriously It’s filled with hidden gems and tips to excel in class. You might even find some extra credit opportunities if you look hard enough!
- Get Organized Invest in a nice planner. Do this not only for appointments and meetings but to schedule time with yourself to complete a task. Don’t forget, what gets scheduled gets done!
- Give Yourself an Incentive Studying can be a snooze fest and it’s easy to watch Netflix or go out instead. Set up a personal incentive to get you through it. For example, place your favorite snacks on book pages so you get to eat them when you arrive on that page.
- Colors of the Rainbow Use different colored items to differentiate and get the most out of your note taking. Pull out those Lisa Frank gel pens and get to work.
- Speak up in Class Were you the quiet kid in high school? There is no time like the present to change that. With being in business school you will be giving lots of presentations. Speak up. We want to hear what you have to say. Bonus: participation points!
- Join Something Looking to meet new people? Find something you are interested in and sign up today. Having a purpose for being on campus outside of class makes college much more enjoyable.
- Visit Career Services Internships lead to jobs. Jobs lead to money and moving out of Mom and Dad’s house. Go visit 2010.
- Eat Small, Frequent Meals Staying away from big meals will help to keep your body going into rest mode, aka, hibernation.
- Do the Hard Stuff First Take care of the thing you dread the most early on.
- Choose your Groups Wisely Just because you’re friends doesn’t mean you’ll work well together. Find those who will help you find the most success.
- Join LinkedIn It’s never too early to start building your professional network. Pass on the selfie and take a few extra minutes to post a professional looking picture.
- Find a Mentor Ask someone you admire to be your mentor. Kelley has over 100,000 living alumni so you shouldn’t have a problem finding one.
- Enjoy the Moment…your Kelley Moment! It may not seem like it now but before you know it, college will be over. You’ll also feel more balanced if you aren’t counting down the days. Enjoy the journey that you’re on!
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