By: Sarah Fiege, BS’17
Joining the IUPUI Regatta Steering Committee truly changed my world! I can feel the impact the event made on the IUPUI campus and surrounding community having seen the day-of come together regardless of weather delays and all other obstacles. I recommend joining organizations on campus to any Kelley student, as it is a great way to shine as young professionals and gain priceless experience. Based on my experience, my number one recommendation is applying to be a part of the IUPUI Regatta Steering Committee. Applications will be open within a couple weeks!
My journey with the IUPUI Regatta began around this time last year. I filled out the online application, provided my top three choices for positions, and interviewed in front of a panel of three. I received a phone call early the next week describing to me that I would not be chosen for my top three positions of choice. Instead, the position of Director of Marketing could be mine if I chose to accept. I honestly couldn’t understand why this was the case, but the interviewer told me that my responses to interview questions led the panel to believe I had a distinct marketing vision for the event. I was told a director’s position would require a lot more time commitment and a heightened level of leadership too. Before I knew it, I was attending the first meeting as the only director who had not previously held a position on the committee.
For the first meeting, directors were asked to create a short presentation which compiled our expectations for the year, the committee, and for ourselves. I had no idea what to say! I’m not a marketing major and I had not taken any marketing classes to date. My only comfort came from my ability to lead. So, the highlight of my presentation resulted as, “We will hit the ground running and market from day one.” I was eager, and little did I know that’s all I really needed.
I met my committee that day as well. The three marketing coordinators included Coordinator of Social Media Jessica Sauer, Coordinator of Marketing Yemi Harford, and Coordinator of Contests Manpreet Dhillon. Jessica is pursuing a major in journalism at the IU School of Liberal Arts. Yemi dual majors in marketing and supply chain and Manpreet majors in marketing both through the Kelley School of Business. Each individual brought great talent and visible results to the 7th annual IUPUI Regatta. For example, our Instagram followers more than doubled!
I’ve told the ladies they have much to be proud of, and they should take pride in the results they have created. The entire 21 person committee ‘stamped their name’ of the 7th year of the event and nothing will change that fact. Each process the marketing committee went through changed the event. The marketing committee first created a marketing plan. This was followed by a one-page theme document explaining how The Hunger Games Trilogy inspired theme would appear to all who encountered the IUPUI Regatta. We also outsourced the creator of our poster, while Manpreet Dhillon created countless graphics anyone could have witnessed around campus, Indianapolis, and Internet. Our theme release sparked interest across Regatta social media outlets and our presence on social media has continued to prove successful.
You’ve likely heard “You Gotta Regatta”. You may see this as a call to race, but there are countless ways to become a part of the event. You can serve on the student run committee, apply for the Stephen Scott Davis Scholarships, volunteer, participate in Regatta Week events, represent your student organization the day of, or simply attend.
Either way, the IUPUI Regatta is leaving an impression at IUPUI and the time to join is NOW!
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